Summer school scope:
The European Magnetic Field Laboratory (EMFL) summer school is dedicated to recent advances in science in high magnetic fields. The series of lectures given by renowned scientists will guide participants through the various areas of current physics, chemistry and material science in high magnetic fields. The school is open primarily to young scientists, master & doctoral students and to postdoctoral researchers, but also to senior scientists willing to get an overview about current research in high magnetic fields. The participants will have an opportunity to present their own results in a specially dedicated poster session.
Confirmed invited speakers & topics:
Denis M. Basko, (Grenoble) : 2D materials - theory
Julien Bobroff, (Paris-Orsay): Scientific outreach
Hartmut Buhmann, (Wűrzburg): Topological matter
Alexey Chernikov, (Regensburg): 2D materials - experiment
Peter Christianen, (Nijmegen): Soft matter
Amalia Coldea, (Oxford): HTc superconductivity
Mark O. Goerbig, (Paris-Orsay): Quantum Hall Effect
Nigel Hussey, (Nijmegen): Superconductivity
Alois Loidl, (Augsburg): Multiferroics
Hadrian Mayaffre, (Grenoble): Low-dimensional magnetism
Alix McCollam, (Nijmegen): Heavy-fermion systems
Robin J. Nicholas, (Oxford): Novel semiconductors
Alexandre Pourret, (Grenoble): Metals & Fermi surfaces
Geert Rikken, (Grenoble/Toulouse): Technology & exp. techniques
Joris van Slageren, (Stuttgart): Molecular magnetism
Dmitri Yakovlev, (Dortmund): Semiconductor nanostructures
Important dates:
Registration deadline: 30 June, 2018
Notification of acceptance: early July 2018
EMFL school: 26-30 September, 2018
Participant fee:
The school is sponsored by EMFL and no participation fees are requested. The participants will be selected primarily among young scientists (master/doctoral students & postdoctoral researchers), based on the quality of submitted abstract.
We have booked 60 rooms for the participants from 26th to 30th September and they are offered, free of charges, to people accepted for the school. We are also providing meals (breakfast -lunch - dinners) for the duration of the school.
Poster should be in standard A0 portrait format.
Le Village Camarguais
474 chemin de la Prairie
13200 Arles
Clément Faugeras, (CNRS, Grenoble)
Thomas Herrmannsdoerfer, (HZ Dresden-Rossendorf)
William Knafo, (CNRS, Toulouse)
Milan Orlita, (CNRS, Grenoble)
Paulina Plochocka, (CNRS, Toulouse)
Steffen Wiedmann, (HMFL Nijmegen)